02 February 2015

#5 nice ways to make pretty garlands I cute paper

Hi folks,
I just came back to Weingarten after spending my weekend at my parents place. It was actually really nice, meeting up everybody, although I had to study quite much.
Before I'm starting to study again I want to share another idea how to make your room cute and girly with a new way to make a garland.

What you need to make a garland like above is basically just cute paper or any paper you want to use.
The next step is basically either just cutting out triancles with a little flap on each side

<-- like the spot I marked with a red circle 

so you can glue them together afterwards or instead of the flap you can glue them right on a string (like I did with the tassels).

My paper is from the lovely magazine "flow", by the way (you can purchase it on amazon as well, which I think is amazing, because it's quite expensive so I can't afford buying it every month, even when it has good issues in.)

I hope you liked the way to make a pretty garland. If you are on the hunt for cute paper, go and check out the german website dawanda, where you can find a bunch of very nice things. 
That's it for today, stay crafty and don't forget to treat yourself now and then <3
Lots of love, Isa

 p.s. Oh and I was wondering wether I should make a blogpost how I decorated my whole room. So if you are interested, please comment below :)


  1. Die Girlande ist der Knaller! Gefällt mir supergut. In der Flow war die, sagst du?

  2. Hallo :)
    Ja genau, die Girlande gibt es in der aktuellen Flow zu haben...falls du die nicht mehr im Laden bekommst, kannst du die Zeitschrift auch auf Amazon bzw auf der Flow-Website bekommen :)
    Ganz liebe Grüße, Isa
