My friends and I are planning to go to a very nice café tomorrow and eating a speciality from Germany --> Apfelstrudel..hmm, so tasty <3 If you are someday in Baden-Württemberg, a state in the south of Germany you have to eat this...Especially with vanilla icecream!
Today was a very beautiful day outside, but I couldn't enjoy the briliant sunny weather outside, because I had to study for my last test at friday, O DEAR! And the fact that we'll have snow at this weekend doesn't make it better..Snow in october? Not so good, I guess.
So before I studied today I have written a letter to my love..I know, it's pretty unusual to write letters to people, but I think it's one thing which you should keep doing. It's kind of magic to get a letter from a person who you love...the moment you discover the envelope on the stairs...when the paper crinkle during opening the paper...the handwritten letters.
Do you think about letters? DO you want to get some?